# Backups
Aidoku backups allow you to transfer your Aidoku data accross devices as well as help prevent data loss.
# Backing up your data
# Creating a backup
To create a backup, go to Settings → Backups and press the icon on the top right. You should see a new backup entry titled "Backup <current date>".
# Exporting a backup
Press and hold on the backup entry you want to export, then select Export → Save to Files and choose where you want to save the backup.
# Importing a backup
Go to your previously saved backup and press the share icon, then select the Aidoku app in the share sheet to import it.
# Restoring to a backup
Select the backup you want to restore to, then select Restore.
# Renaming/deleting a backup
On the backup you want to rename/delete, swipe to the left and select your action.